For each business, a company / organization has to define at the outset which activities it wants to carry out internally and separate them from those in which the company forgoes to carry them out (outsourcing).

For each business, a company / organization must know how to distinguish and identify which geographic markets they wish to operate in (internationalization strategies).

The design of a product-market matrix aims to relate all the products offered by the organization to the respective target markets, and to facilitate the identification of new commercial opportunities. This matrix should allow to have a global perspective of the various segments and needs to be satisfied.

Once the company’s product-market matrix has been defined, it’s necessary to analyze the competition’s equivalent matrix to identify areas of superiority and inferiority. Thus, depending on the analysis of customers and competition, on the one hand, and the core competencies on the other, the company must manage its product-market matrix in a strategic way to ensure permanent adaptation to the new competitive environment.
