
Within the scope of support for internationalization, our mission is focused on the Product and the Market. Seeking to meet the customer’s needs, namely the maturity of the Product-Life Cycle, attention to the small domestic market and the need to search for new markets.

Six general reasons that are behind this increase in demand from foreign markets

Sales Growth

in order to increase the organization’s profits, and better satisfy its shareholders.

The effect of synergies at the level of the cost structure

trying to be present in many markets, which allows a considerable increase in sales, which often leads to a better use of the installed production capacity, with consequent advantages in terms of Scale Economies.

Risk Sharing

as it is present in a greater number of markets, there is a greater diversification of the business risk.


Ex: between companies and public institutions in several countries, because one of the biggest worldwide customer is Political Power.

Markets Domain

that is, seeking to be present in the largest possible number of markets. Often, just in order to occupy the market against competitors and increase the brand’s goodwill, even if it may not be advantageous financially.

Absolute Advantages

Ex: related to the Control of unique resources, such as oil and ore deposits.
